Open Contracting: the school meals programme in Bogotá, Colombia
Organisation : Duque Botero Consultores , UNESCO-IIEP
Editeur : Bogota, Duque Botero Consultores, 2021
Pages :
Collection : Ethics and corruption in education
This case study presents the open contracting initiative carried out by the Secretariat of Education of the Municipality of Bogota, as part of the School Feeding Program. It examines how all documents of the procurement process required for the acquisition and distribution of food are published and made available through an on‑ line public platform, which is visible to all participants in the public procurement system (suppliers, parents, control entities, citizens in general, state entities, among others). This study is part of a series of case studies commissioned by the IIEP, under its open government in education research, and as part of its global capacity-building programme on Ethics and Corruption in Education.
- Redevabilité, Gouvernement Ouvert, Secteur public, Repas scolaire, Transparence
Amériques et Caraïbes