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Acceda a casi 1000 referencias de publicaciones o artículos académicos sobre la corrupción en la educación

1-10 of 67 results

  • The integrity of public examinations in developing countries

    In this chapter, Greaney and Kellaghan examine the extent to which procedures to standardise the conditions under which examinations are prepared, administered and scored are observed or violated. They show that the range of individuals involved in...

    Greany, Vincent, Kellaghan, Thomas

    New York (USA), Wiley, 1996

  • Corruption and the education sector

    This paper discusses reasons why national education systems are particularly vulnerable to pervasive corruption, forms that corruption takes within the education sector, and interventions that have been suggested for reducing corruption. It argues...

    Chapman, David

    Washington D.C., MSI, 2002

  • Approvisionnement en livres scolaires : vers plus de transparence

    Les dépenses consacrées aux manuels scolaires et aux matériels pédagogiques, pour le seul enseignement de base et pour l'ensemble de l'Afrique francophone, atteignent un peu plus de 500 milliards de francs CFA pour la dernière décennie. Une telle...

    Leguéré, Jean-Pierre

    Paris, UNESCO, 2003

  • Ethique et déontologie dans les métiers de l'éducation

    Destiné plus particulièrement aux enseignants, aux conseillers d'éducation, aux chefs d'établissement et aux inspecteurs, ce second numéro des "Cahiers d'Education & Devenir", intitulé "Éthique et déontologie dans les métiers de l'éducation", a pour...

    Marseille (France), Education & Devenir, 2003

  • Corruption and abuse of power in educational administration

    Corruption and abuse of power in educational administration in K–12 and higher education institutions are important, though neglected, research topics. As such, they might rightfully be termed our profession's “dirty little secrets.” This article...

    Waine, Duncan, Allen, David


  • KICAC annual report 2002 (summary)

    The Korea Independent Commission Against Corruption was founded in January 2002 following the enactment of the Anti-Corruption Act in 2001, which was a response to a national call to root out corruption. It aims at ultimately shifting from the...

    Korea Independent Commission Against Corruption

    Seoul, KICAC, 2003

  • Formula funding of schools, decentralization and corruption

    This book looks at the relationships between decentralization of funding for schools and the prevalence of corruption, a crucial concern for education policymakers today. The monograph is based on the assumption that formula funding acts to reduce...

    Levacic, Rosalind, Downes, Peter, Caldwell, Brian, Gurr, David, Spinks, Jim, Herczynski, Jan, Luce, Maria-Beatriz, Farenzena, Nalú

    Paris, UNESCO, 2004

  • Public expenditure tracking surveys in education

    Public expenditure tracking surveys (PETS) allow policy makers to diagnose how incentives and accountability systems are working in practice and how they can be improved. Among the results provided by PETS are estimates of leakage, data on the...

    Reinikka, Ritva, Smith, Nathanael

    Paris, UNESCO, 2004

  • Teacher absence in India: a snapshot

    25% of teachers were absent from school, and only about half were teaching, during unannounced visits to a nationally representative sample of government primary schools in India. Absence rates varied from 15% in Maharashtra to 42% in Jharkhand, with...

    Chaudhury, Nazmul, Hammer, Jeffrey, Rogers, F. Halsey, Kremer, Michael, Mularidharan, Khartik


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