Texts on corruption prevention
Organisation : Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (Germany)
Editeur : Bonn, BMZ, 2002
Pages :
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The German Federal Government Directive concerning the Prevention of Corruption in the Federal Administration, dated 17 June 1998, is intended to help in the effort of combating corruption. The Directive is intended as a guideline to explain the overall problem of corruption to German Federal Government staff members and to offer suggestions and assistance for possible problem scenarios. Amongst other areas of government administration, it deals with: corrupt sensitive fields of activity; risk analysis; work routines; internal review; personnel issues, including recruitment, rotation and training; supervision; public tender, procurement; and the acceptance of gifts and hospitality.
- Stratégies de lutte contre la corruption, Cadre juridique, Corruption, Gestion de l'éducation, Administration centrale, Gouvernance, Marchés publics