Support to the government of Malawi's anti corruption Program
Organisation : Workd Bank. Poverty Reduction and Social Development Unit, Africa Region (USA)
Editeur : Washington, World Bank, 1998
Pages :
In 1998, the World Bank undertook a mission to Malawi, at the request of its President, to examine ways to support its Government's program to improve economic governance and to reduce corruption. The mission's objectives were to assess the scope and the status of Government's efforts to combat corruption, to report it's findings, and to suggest areas where the Bank could provide support. One objective was to investigate whether the Government of Malawi's procurement rules, as well as other regulations and policies, could allow the use of an Anti-corruption Undertaking (AU) in Bank-funded and Government procurement to further the Government's anti-corruption Program. A corollary objective was to acquire an understanding of the Government's related anti-corruption strategy with a view to initiating a program with the Work Bank's support. This report is based on the discussions during the mission and on subsequent document research and discussion with World Bank colleagues in Washington.
- Stratégies de lutte contre la corruption, Cadre juridique, Corruption, Développement économique et social, Gestion de l'éducation, Administration centrale, Gouvernance, Marchés publics