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1-10 of 29 results

  • Newspaper

    L' ACC s'attaque au ministère de l'éducation



    - All Africa

    le renforcement continu des contrôles financiers et la tolérance zéro envers la mauvaise gestion et la corruption une politique de tolérance zéro menée par le ministère de l'éducation ont déclenché une enquête sans précédent conduite par la Commission anti-corruption, l'ACC. Des mesures renforcées au ministère ont mis au jour des incidents suspects permettant l'attribution de marchés ministériels à des sociétés malhonnêtes.

  • Strengthening integrity and fighting corruption in education: Serbia

    This first Integrity of Education Systems (INTES) country assessment was undertaken at the request of the Ministry of Education and Science of Serbia, following presentations of the assessment methodology to the Steering Group of the OECD Anti...

    Milovanovitch, Mihaylo, Bloem, Simone, Checchi, Francesco, Devine, Vera, Kalnins, Valts, McGuinness, Séamus, Poisson, Muriel, Roberts-Schweitzer, Eluned, Whitman, Ian

    Paris, OECD, 2012

  • West Bank and Gaza: improving governance and reducing corruption

    In the past decade, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has worked to strengthen economic governance and combat corruption, both essential to sustained economic growth and improved delivery of public services. This report finds the PA has made significant...

    World Bank

    Washington, D.C., World Bank, 2011

  • Preventing corruption in humanitarian operations: a handbook of good practices

    Preventing Corruption in Humanitarian Operations: A Handbook of Good Practices is a timely, practical guide to help aid organisations deal with corruption in day-to-day operations. When people donate money to aid agencies they expect it to reach...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency International, 2010

  • Integrity in public procurement: tools for implementation

    1. Public procurement is a process that goes right to the core of good governance. Governance combines efficiency and fairness. Accordingly, the objective is to establish a system that can satisfy the needs of the government purchaser, the supplier...

    OECD. Directorate for Public Governance and Territorial Development

    Paris, OECD, 2009

  • Fourniture efficace de services dans le domaine de l'enseignement public

    La République démocratique du Congo (RDC) se trouve confrontée à d’immenses défis pour fournir des services dans le domaine de l’enseignement à tous les enfants en âge d’être scolarisés dans le pays, sans parler de veiller à donner aux adultes qui n...

    Mokonzi, Gratien, Kadongo, Mwinda

    Johannesbourg, Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa, 2009

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