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1-3 of 3 results

  • Women and Minorities as Educational Change Agents

    The "Women and Minorities as Educational Change Agents" is one of the eleven sub-projects of the "Special University Linkage Consolidation Program" in China, named "Women and Minorities as Educational Change Agents", which includes an ethical...

    Canadian International Development Agency


  • Standing against corruption is your choice: strategies for teachers. Facilitators handbook

    These two course handbooks were produced by Transparency International PNG to help teachers recognize the signs and symptoms of misuse and abuse. One is for teacher participants and the second is for facilitators who teach the course. The aim of the...

    Transparency International (Papua New Guinea)

    Arawa, Transparency International, PNG Department of Education, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, International Education Agency, 2000

  • Tackling corruption: school education and public awareness

    This paper highlights how the Independent Commission Against Corruption, the ICAC for short, tackles corruption in Hong Kong through its school education programme. This comprehensive programme contributes significantly to the increase in public...

    Chui, Catherine

    Hong Kong, ICAC, 2000

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