RE:FINE project: Assessment for increasing quality, equal opportunities and accountability in education
Organisation : The Centre for Testing Technologies, Ukraine
Editeur : Ukraine, Center for Testing Technologies, 2008
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The main purpose of this survey was to allow interested members of the assessment network to gather information about the understanding of and the attitudes towards their centralized examination systems and current reforms in this area. The survey examined two questions: the level of understanding of current examination procedures and the level of any recent or ongoing reforms; and the attitudes of stakeholders towards examinations, especially where new examinations have been introduced or traditional assessment systems are under reforming. Five countries volunteered to take part in the survey: Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia and Ukraine. The report may be useful for policy makers at all levels, assessment and examinations agencies, headmasters, secondary school teachers and parents.
- Accès à l'éducation, Redevabilité, Stratégies de lutte contre la corruption, Cadre juridique, Outils diagnostiques / Enquêtes, Enquêtes de perception, Gestion de l'éducation, Administration scolaire, Qualité de l'éducation, Examens et diplômes, Parents, Enseignants, Secondary education
Géorgie, Lettonie, Lituanie , Slovénie , Ukraine