The Quality of growth
Organisation : World Bank
Editeur : Oxford (UK), Oxford University Press, 2000
Pages :
Collection : 20924, 1
Notes :
This book is in the spirit of continuous inquiry and feedback in framing development thinking. It is addressed to policymakers, practitioners, and others in developing as well as industrial countries. It reaffirms the crucial contribution of market-friendly policies. It also highlights key missing ingredients and fresh evidence. Not a complete review of development, the book examines vital issues that are often overlooked as a basis for action: the distribution of opportunities, especially education; environmental sustainability; management of risks; and governance and anticorruption. It does not address such important factors as the political economy of change, the influence of social instability, the consequences of communicable diseases such as HIV/ AIDS, or the impact of cross-border and global issues-population pressures, labor migration, global warming, information technology, and the global financial and business architecture. It concludes that growth is crucial, and so is the quality of growth.
- Développement économique et social, Gestion de l'éducation, Mondialisation, Gouvernance, Santé, Secteur public
Brésil, Bangladesh, Chili, Inde, Corée R