Open contracting: an illustrative form of open government in education
Organisation : IIEP-UNESCO
Editeur : Paris, IIEP-UNESCO, 2021
Pages :
p. 4
Collection : IIEP policy brief. Open government in education, vol. 3
Notes :
Ukrainian edition translated and published by the Anti-corruption Research and Education Center (ACREC), Kyiv, 2022
As part of its research project on ‘Open government (OG) in education: Learning from experience’, the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) has prepared five thematic briefs illustrating various forms of OG as applied to the education field: open government, open budgeting, open contracting, open policy-making and crowd-sourcing, and social auditing. This brief deals specifically with open contracting.
- Accès à l'information, Données ouvertes, Redevabilité, Stratégies de lutte contre la corruption, Société civile, Construction et équipement scolaires/universitaires, Secteur des entreprises, Corruption, Gouvernance, Gouvernement Ouvert, Marchés publics, Repas scolaire, Transport scolaires, Responsabilité sociale, Manuels et matériaux pédagogiques, Jeunesse
- Colombie, Finlande, Italie, Paraguay