A literature overview of accountability and EdTech: recommendations for using technology to improve accountability in educational systems from Ghana and other LMICs
Organisation : EdTech Hub
Editeur : EdTech Hub, 2021
Pages :
The overall aim of this report is to inform the Ghanaian government's new accountability program in partnership with the World Bank (Ghana Accountability for Learning Outcomes Program) by bringing lessons and evidence from past relevant efforts. To do this, we seek to indicate where the gaps are in this research area as well as to identify some potential directions for upcoming research. In addressing this goal, we align our research interest with The EdTech Hub’s Problem Analysis by focusing on ways to address the global learning crisis and ultimately improve outcomes for the most marginalised learners. Practical suggestions are included regarding potentially fruitful connections to other individuals and organisations for such research (Appendix). We further anticipate our findings to inform others in the field who are interested in related research and practitioners in other LMICs who are considering designing and implementing accountability efforts in the education sector.
- Redevabilité, Gestion de l'éducation
- Ghana