Corruption in economic development - beneficial grease, minor annoyance or major obstacles?

Auteur(s) : Wei, Shang-Jin

Organisation : Development Research Group, The World Bank

Editeur : Washington, D.C., The World Bank, 1999

Pages :

34 p.

Collection : Policy research working paper, 2048

The author reviews the overwhelming statistical evidence that countries with high levels of corruption experience poor economic performance. Corruption hinders economic development by reducing domestic investment, discouraging foreign direct investment, encouraging overspending in government, and distorting the composition of government spending. Whenever a public office is abused, a public function or objective is set aside and compromised. Only if a public function is unproductive are policy goals unharmed by corruption. But one often hears that bribery greases the machinery of commerce, so the author studied the evidence - which clearly rejects the hypothesis. Culture shapes the difference between a "bribe" and a "gift" but culturally induced differences seem small. There is no evidence to support the notion that corruption in Asia, including East Asia, entails lesser consequences.

  • Stratégies de lutte contre la corruption, Cadre juridique, Corruption, Abus, Pots-de-vin, Développement économique et social, Gestion de l'éducation, Administration centrale
  • Asie et Pacifique, International