
ETICO unveils new features in continued fight against corruption in education

The UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP-UNESCO) is redoubling its efforts today in the fight against corruption in education with enhanced tools, resources, and functionalities on its ETICO platform.

This online global community gives users direct access to relevant and timely knowledge, diagnostic tools, and strategies for a more informed approach on how to best combat corruption in education worldwide.

Greater transparency, in government and in aid, is a high priority in the new global agenda, as captured explicitly in Sustainable Development Goals 4, 16 and 17,” said IIEP Director Suzanne Grant Lewis. With the strengthening of the ETICO platform, IIEP is re-enforcing its long-standing commitment to improving transparency and fighting corruption in education.”

We cannot rest on our laurels as millions of children continue to miss out on their right to an education because of poor ethics in the sector. The misappropriation of funding, ghost teachers and fake diplomas continue to deplete much-needed resources,” said IIEP’s Senior Researcher on anti-corruption and ethics in education, Muriel Poisson. ETICO’s improved user experience is part of our renewed commitment to this ongoing global fight to which no country is immune.

Over the past two decades, new diagnostics tools such as Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys – known as PETS – have been designed to allow decision-makers to measure the extent of financial leakage within education systems. A wide variety of strategies have also been piloted, which seek to eliminate ghost teachers from official lists, increase transparency in the selection of textbook publishers, or reduce academic fraud. Today, new initiatives around the use of open data are encouraging more accountability at every level.

Discover the new ETICO!

The new version of ETICO provides the global community with an opportunity to renew its commitment to combatting corruption by taking stock of the multitude of tools, strategies, and research findings available today.

ETICO serves anti-corruption specialists working in ministries, international organizations and agencies, non-governmental organizations, universities, and research institutions as well as policymakers and others.

Its main features are available in English, French and Spanish and include:

  • a resource base of over 650 items including case studies, analytical tools and country-specific documents,
  • over 1,000 press articles on corruption in education going back to 2001,
  • a media library presenting short films on the subject from around the world,
  • a global agenda of all related events,
  • a quarterly bulletin about ethics and corruption in education (subscribe here),
  • a blog featuring innovative initiatives designed to tackle corruption.

Users now have more opportunity to get involved, share resources on the subject and contribute to the blog. The enhanced search function also has the ability to scan thousands of national and international documents, media articles, and IIEP’s training materials and research findings spanning over 15 years.