ICT tools for improving transparency and accountability in education

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) offer many opportunities to improve transparency and accountability in the education sector.

For example:

  • Digital platforms for tracking school budgets and spending can ensure that funds are used appropriately
  • Mobile applications can facilitate real-time monitoring of school infrastructure and resource allocation
  • Artificial Intelligence can lead to a more transparent and equitable assignment of teachers and pupils to schools
  • Online portals for reporting and addressing grievances allow for more efficient and transparent handling of issues related to education service delivery.

Those few examples illustrate the potential of digital tools to create more open and accountable education systems. However, documentation on this subject remains scarce.

That is why IIEP-UNESCO, in its role as a Global Learning Partner of the Education Out Loud (EOL) initiative, has begun mapping the landscape of relevant ICT initiatives. This was done through a literature review and a survey sent to all EOL grantees.  

Thanks to this mapping, several resources are now available:

  • A synthesis note detailing findings and best practices - forthcoming
  • An interactive map showcasing country-specific initiatives is featured below.

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Move the cursor over the countries in blue on the map to consult government and civil society initiatives making innovative uses of digital tools to improve transparency and accountability in education.

You can also access these materials by using the filters above or clicking on the list of countries below.

ICT = Information and Communication Technologies 
CSO = Civil Society Organization
= Government

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