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1-10 of 15 results

  • Newspaper

    Les directeurs d'établissement doivent signer un contrat avec obligation de résultat



    Carol Natukunda and Roderick Ahimbazwe - New Vision

    Selon le ministre de l'éducation, les directeurs d'écoles primaires devront signer des contrats avec obligation de résultat chaque année. Si de nombreux élèves n'ont pas atteint le niveau requis en lecture, écriture et calcul, c'est en partie à cause de la nonchalance, de l'absentéisme et du manque d'intérêt des directeurs d'écoles. Les directives d'évaluation et le suivi de la qualité du travail des enseignats contribueront à créer un système plus équitable et plus fiable.

  • Ethics in education: the role of teacher codes

    As for any profession, the education profession follows certain general standards of practice (either implicit or explicit), such as equality of treatment and fulfilment of duties. Problems of ethics in teacher behaviour include a number of...

    Van Nuland, Shirley, Khandelwal, B.P., Biswal, K., Dewan, E.A., Bajracharya, H.R.

    Paris, UNESCO, 2006

  • Why are teachers absent? Probing service delivery in Peruvian primary schools

    A high rate of absence of teachers from their posts is a serious obstacle to delivery of education in many developing countries, but hard evidence on the problem has been scarce. This study, carried out as part of a new multi-country survey project...

    Alcázar, Lorena, Rogers, F. Halsey, Chaudhury, Nazmul, Hammer, Jeffrey, Kremer, Michael, Mularidharan, Khartik


  • Teacher absence and incentives in primary education: primary education results from a national teacher tracking survey in Ecuador

    High rates of absence of teachers from their posts is a serious obstacle to delivery of education in many developing countries, but hard evidence on the problem has been scarce. This study, carried out as part of a new multi-country survey project in...

    Chaudhury, Nazmul, Hammer, Jeffrey, Rogers, F. Halsey, Lopez-Calix, José, Córdoba, Nancy, Kremer, Michael, Mularidharan, Khartik


  • Roll call: teacher absence in Bangladesh

    This study represents the first systematic examination of the issue of teacher absence in Bangladesh. The objectives of this study are to: (a) document and characterize the extent of teacher absence in primary and secondary schools; (b) understand...

    Chaudhury, Nazmul, Hammer, Jeffrey, Kremer, Michael, Mularidharan, Khartik, Rogers, F. Halsey


  • Teacher absence in India: a snapshot

    25% of teachers were absent from school, and only about half were teaching, during unannounced visits to a nationally representative sample of government primary schools in India. Absence rates varied from 15% in Maharashtra to 42% in Jharkhand, with...

    Chaudhury, Nazmul, Hammer, Jeffrey, Rogers, F. Halsey, Kremer, Michael, Mularidharan, Khartik


  • Public expenditure tracking surveys in education

    Public expenditure tracking surveys (PETS) allow policy makers to diagnose how incentives and accountability systems are working in practice and how they can be improved. Among the results provided by PETS are estimates of leakage, data on the...

    Reinikka, Ritva, Smith, Nathanael

    Paris, UNESCO, 2004

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