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1-10 of 17 results

  • Newspaper

    La police enquête sur des allégations de fraude chez 3aaa Apprenticeships


    Rupert Neate - University World News

    Le cabinet de formation 3aaa Apprenticeships, financé sur fonds publics, vient d’être placé sous administration judiciaire, le ministère de l’Éducation ayant suspendu tous ses versements à la suite de l’enquête pour fraude engagée par la police. Les 4 500 apprentis inscrits ignorent ce qu’il va advenir d’eux. L’an dernier, le ministère a attribué plus de 31 millions de livres sterling au cabinet pour financer des stages et des formations pour adultes.

  • New ways to measure institutionalised grand corruption in public procurement

    Public procurement, one of the largest areas of public spending worldwide, gives public officials wide discretion. It is therefore unsurprising that it is also one of the government functions most often vulnerable to corruption. While there have been...

    Tóth, István János; Fazekas, Mihály

    Bergen, Chr. Michelsen Institute, 2014

  • The Cost of corruption in higher education

    Corruption was symptomatic of business and government interactions in Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union before and during the economic transition of the 1990s. Corruption is difficult to quantify, but the perception of corruption...

    Heyneman, Stephen P., Anderson, Kathryn H., Nuraliyeva, Nazym


  • Myths and realities of governance and corruption

    A number of popular notions and outright myths on governance and corruption are addressed in this chapter. We distinguish clearly between governance and anti-corruption, while probing the links between both notions. In so doing we challenge the...

    Kaufmann, Daniel

    Washington D.C., World Bank, 2005

  • The Global corruption report 2005

    The 2005 Global Corruption Report focuses on corruption in construction and post-conflict reconstruction. It includes expert reports on: post-conflict reconstruction, with a detailed analysis of corruption in Iraq; the mechanisms of corruption in...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, TI, 2005

  • Newspaper

    L'OCDE envisage d'établir une liste noire des entreprises corrompues'


    Sandrine Dyckmans - Achatpublic

    L'OCDE a entrepris, depuis 1997, de lutter contre corruption des fonctionnaires publics étrangers dans les transactions internationales. A ce titre, l'institution a organisé, en novembre dernier, un grand colloque sur la promotion de l'intégrité dans les marchés publics. Les débats ont abouti à la proposition d'établir une liste noire des entreprises convaincues de corruption.

  • Fighting governmental corruption: the new World Bank programme evaluated

    Over the past decade, the international donor community has come up with a range of initiatives to curb governmental corruption in developing countries. Top-down approaches devise administrative and judicial reforms, whereas bottom-up approaches deal...

    Klein Haarhuis, Carolien M., Leeuw, Frans L.


  • The Global corruption report 2004

    The Global Corruption Report provides an overview of the state of corruption around the world in 2004. It covers national and international developments, institutional and legal changes and activities within both the private sector and civil society...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency International , 2004

  • The Global corruption report 2001

    The 2001 Global corruption report concentrates on events in the period July 2000 to June 2001. It is based on Transparency International's definition of corruption as the misuse of entrusted power for private gain. This includes both public and...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency International (TI), 2001

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