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Accédez à presque 1000 références de publications ou articles scientifiques sur la corruption dans l'éducation

21-30 of 32 results

  • The Global corruption report 2006

    The 2006 Global corruption report focuses on corruption and health. It includes expert reports on: the risks of corruption in different health care systems; the scale of the problem: from high-level corruption in Costa Rica to counterfeit medicines...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, TI, 2006

  • Les indicateurs de gouvernance: usages et abus

    Rapidly rising attention to the quality of governance in developing countries is driving explosive growth in the use of governance indicators by international investors, donors of official development assistance, development analysts and academics...

    Arndt, Christiane, Oman, Charles

    Paris, OECD, 2006

  • Corruption in China's higher education system: a malignant tumor

    Since the 1990s, corruption has seriously threatened mainland China's universities in their teaching, research, service to society, and international links and exchanges. The scale of corruption pertains to almost all aspects of higher education. Yet...

    Yang, Rui

    Chestnut Hill, MA, USA, Center for International Higher Education, 2005

  • Taxonomy of corruption in higher education

    This article explores the phenomenon of corruption that has become common in higher education in developing countries around the world. The available body of literature on educational corruption does not provide sufficient insight on the nature and...

    Rumyantseva, Nataliya

    New Jersey, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates , 2005

  • The Global corruption report 2004

    The Global Corruption Report provides an overview of the state of corruption around the world in 2004. It covers national and international developments, institutional and legal changes and activities within both the private sector and civil society...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency International , 2004

  • Global corruption report 2003: Special focus: access to information

    The Global corruption report is the first attempt by any organization to map the global fight against corruption. The 2003 edition focuses on the need for greater access to information in the struggle against corruption. It explores how civil society...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, TI, 2003

  • Combating academic fraud: Towards a culture of integrity

    This book documents the importance and extent of academic fraud. It identifies major varieties of academic fraud such as cheating in high stakes examinations, plagiarism, credentials fraud, and misconduct in reform policies. Examples of measures to...

    Eckstein, Max A.

    Paris, UNESCO, 2003

  • Explaining leakage of public funds

    Using panel data from a unique survey of public primary schools in Uganda, Reinikka and Svensson assess the degree of leakage of public funds in education. The survey data reveal that on average, during the period 1991-95, schools received only 13...

    Reinikka, Ritva, Svensson, Jakob

    Washington, World Bank, 2001

  • The Global corruption report 2001

    The 2001 Global corruption report concentrates on events in the period July 2000 to June 2001. It is based on Transparency International's definition of corruption as the misuse of entrusted power for private gain. This includes both public and...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency International (TI), 2001

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