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Accédez à presque 1000 références de publications ou articles scientifiques sur la corruption dans l'éducation

1-10 of 194 results

  • Equity issues in public examinations in developing countries

    Public examinations in developing countries play a critical role in the selection of students for participation in the educational system. The exams dictate what is taught, how it is taught, and what is and is not learned. They are academic, have...

    Greaney, Vincent, Kellaghan, Thomas

    Washington, D.C., World Bank, 1995

  • Fraud and education: the worm in the apple

    Dishonesty and chicanery are nothing new to education. What is new, perhaps, are the ways in which these imperfections permeate education credentialing and how they have flourished with the invention of new technologies and changes in consumer...

    Noah, Harold J., Eckstein, Max A.

    Lanham (Md.), Rowman & Littlefield, 2001

  • The integrity of public examinations in developing countries

    In this chapter, Greaney and Kellaghan examine the extent to which procedures to standardise the conditions under which examinations are prepared, administered and scored are observed or violated. They show that the range of individuals involved in...

    Greany, Vincent, Kellaghan, Thomas

    New York (USA), Wiley, 1996

  • Of academic fraud and the education crisis

    The World Wide Web has given students unprecedented access to legitimate and illegitimate education resources. Steinberg gives an oversight of the implications of it on present-day higher education. He thus describes how, in the U.S., internet-based...

    Steinberg, Iain

    Washington, The Washington Times, 2000

  • Student perception on corruption in the Armenian higher education system

    The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Office in Yerevan invited the European Students' Union (ESU) to conduct an assessment of student democracy in Armenia on the occasion of a study visit in 2008. As a result of this study...

    Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe

    Yerevan, OSCE, 2010

  • On the economics of plagiarism

    Cheating and plagiarism can involve the transgression of intellectual property rights across many areas of life. When a direct financial benefit from such practices is identifiable, the opportunity to seek legal redress is available via civil court...

    Collins, Alan, Judge, Guy, Rickman, Neil


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