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1-10 of 27 results

  • Plagiarism across Europe and beyond: conference proceedings 2013

    The international conference Plagiarism across Europe and Beyond aims to be a forum for sharing best practices and experience with addressing academic integrity issues. Academic integrity is becoming more and more important topic in higher education...

    European Commission

    Brno (Czech Republic), MENDELU Publishing Centre, 2013

  • Global corruption report: education

    Corruption and poor governance are acknowledged as major impediments to realising the right to education and to reaching global development goals. Corruption not only distorts access to education, but affects the quality of education and the...

    Transparency International

    Oxford, Routledge, 2013

  • Tajikistan: between defying despair and missing opportunities

    September 2011, Tajikistan celebrated its 20th anniversary of independence, which defied many external and oppositional cries of crisis, failure and imminent collapse. Tajikistan has not only survived but increasingly appears a viable state with...

    Niyozov, Sarfaroz, Bulbulov, Juma

    London, Bloomsbury, 2013

  • Corruption undermining higher education in India

    People of India are deeply concerned about the form and extent of corruption in almost all walks of life. What is particularly alarming is the conspicuous corruption in higher education undermining the foundations of society. It has become so...


  • Newspaper

    Lutter contre la corruption de l'enseignement supérieur en Afrique


    Wachira Kigotho - University World News

    Le « Rapport mondial sur la corruption : l'éducation », publié le 1er octobre, révèle que la corruption a entraîné non seulement une hausse du coût de l'enseignement supérieur, mais aussi une baisse de sa qualité, entravant ainsi le développement social et économique de nombreux pays africains.

  • Newspaper

    La corruption réduit les bénéfices de l'Enseignement supérieur


    Wachira Kigotho - University World News

    L'enseignement universitaire en Afrique est considéré comme la clé d'un avenir meilleur et est susceptible de fournir aux gens les outils dont ils ont besoin pour améliorer leurs moyens d'existence et vivre de manière digne. Toutefois, selon Transparency International, la corruption systémique entraîne l'érosion des bénéfices que pourrait procurer l'enseignement supérieur .

  • How corruption puts higher education at risk

    Global attention begin in the 1990s with definitions and questions as to how common education corruption was; it then expanded to include the differences from one to another region, ranging from financial corruption and student plagiarism to sexual...

    Heyneman, Stephen P.


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