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1-10 of 10 results

  • Newspaper

    L' ACC s'attaque au ministère de l'éducation



    - All Africa

    le renforcement continu des contrôles financiers et la tolérance zéro envers la mauvaise gestion et la corruption une politique de tolérance zéro menée par le ministère de l'éducation ont déclenché une enquête sans précédent conduite par la Commission anti-corruption, l'ACC. Des mesures renforcées au ministère ont mis au jour des incidents suspects permettant l'attribution de marchés ministériels à des sociétés malhonnêtes.

  • West Bank and Gaza: improving governance and reducing corruption

    In the past decade, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has worked to strengthen economic governance and combat corruption, both essential to sustained economic growth and improved delivery of public services. This report finds the PA has made significant...

    World Bank

    Washington, D.C., World Bank, 2011

  • Transparency International Annual Report

    Transparency international (TI) is a global movement sharing one vision: a world in which government, politics, business, civil society and the daily lives of people are free of corruption. In the year 2012, the 20 th anniversary of its foundation in...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, TI, 2012

  • Governance Matters VII: aggregate and individual governance indicators, 1996-2007

    This paper reports on the latest update of the Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) research project, covering 212 countries and territories and measuring six dimensions of governance between 1996 and 2007: Voice and Accountability, Political...

    Kaufmann, Daniel, Kraay, Aart, Mastruzzi, Massimo

    Washington D.C., World Bank, 2008

  • New ways to measure institutionalised grand corruption in public procurement

    Public procurement, one of the largest areas of public spending worldwide, gives public officials wide discretion. It is therefore unsurprising that it is also one of the government functions most often vulnerable to corruption. While there have been...

    Tóth, István János; Fazekas, Mihály

    Bergen, Chr. Michelsen Institute, 2014

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