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1-10 of 13 results

  • Government favouritism in Europe

    This volume reunites the fieldwork of 2014-2015 in the ANTICORRP project. It is entirely based on objective indicators and offers both quantitative and qualitative assessments of the linkage between political corruption and organised crime using...

    Mungiu-Pippidi, Alina

    Opladen, Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2015

  • Newspaper

    Gouvernement bulgare : les universités réagissent vivement au refus de la Turquie de reconnaître certains diplômes



    - Sofia News Agency

    La Turquie ne reconnaît plus les diplômes délivrés par les universités bulgares. Le conseil de l'éducation universitaire turc a pris cette décision en alléguant les niveaux élevés de falsification, de fraude et de tricherie aux examens universitaires en Bulgarie. Le ministre de l'Education de Bulgarie a reproché aux media d'avoir provoqué un scandale international, en prétendant que les diplômes problématiques avaient été falsifiés par des citoyens turcs.

  • First aid kit for higher education: a know how guide for student research

    First Aid Kit for Higher Education - A Know How Guide for Student Research is a guide for student organizations, NGOs, student activists and everyone else who is interested in the problems of higher education and who seek different methods for...

    Anti-Corruption Student Network in South East Europe

    Skopje, ACSN, 2011

  • Transparency in education in Eastern Europe

    In the former communist countries, education could become the key element for combating corrupt behaviour and promoting integrity and ethics. Possible strategies include establishing clear and transparent systems of budgeting, auditing, examination...

    Pliksnys, Arunas, Kopnicka, Sylvia, Hrynevych, Lilya, Palicarsky, Constantine

    Paris, UNESCO, 2009

  • The Cost of corruption in higher education

    Corruption was symptomatic of business and government interactions in Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union before and during the economic transition of the 1990s. Corruption is difficult to quantify, but the perception of corruption...

    Heyneman, Stephen P., Anderson, Kathryn H., Nuraliyeva, Nazym


  • Newspaper

    Une académie de lutte contre la corruption devrait voir le jour en Bulgarie



    - Sofia News Agency

    L'idée de créer une académie de lutte contre la corruption vient d'une association civile nommée GERB. L'académie s'inspirerait de l'expérience internationale et inviterait des experts étrangers à donner des conférences. Une des principales recommandations de la Commission Européenne à la Bulgarie a été qu'ils renforcent la lutte contre la corruption, en particulier à des postes élevés.

  • The Global corruption report 2006

    The 2006 Global corruption report focuses on corruption and health. It includes expert reports on: the risks of corruption in different health care systems; the scale of the problem: from high-level corruption in Costa Rica to counterfeit medicines...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, TI, 2006

  • The Global corruption report 2004

    The Global Corruption Report provides an overview of the state of corruption around the world in 2004. It covers national and international developments, institutional and legal changes and activities within both the private sector and civil society...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency International , 2004

  • The World Bank and Anticorruption in Europe and Central Asia

    In Europe and Central Asia, the radical shift in economic and political systems that occurred in most countries after 1990 made existing forms of corruption more visible and opened opportunities for new forms of corrupt practices. Fostering...

    Anderson, James, Photos, Ilene

    Washington, D.C., World Bank, 2003

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