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1-10 of 29 results

  • Open government in Indonesia

    A talk with IIEP researcher: Muriel Poisson on open government in education


    The latest addition to IIEP’s series on Ethics and Corruption in Education is here! The new book, prepared under the guidance of Muriel Poisson, IIEP Programme Specialist, is the first in a new research project on open government in education. The book combines an in-depth conceptual overview with an initial analysis of projects already in place worldwide.

  • Redefining citizen-government boundaries: open government in education


    Citizen participation has become an integral part of national and international anti-corruption programmes.

  • Using open school data to improve transparency and accountability in Bangladesh

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    This case study compares the design and implementation of two major open school data initiatives in Bangladesh, namely the government-led open school data programme developed by the Directorate of Primary Education (DPE), and Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) report cards. As a citizen-led initiative, the TIB strives to empower parents of students in selected public primary schools through useful school data published in leaflets, information boards and desks, interactive discussions at mothers’ gatherings, and meetings with authorities.

  • Using open school data to improve transparency and accountability in the Philippines

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    This case study examines two recent government-led initiatives, the School Report Card (SRC) and Transparency Board (TB) schemes, and a citizen-led initiative called CheckMySchool (CMS).

  • Using open school data to improve transparency and accountability in Indonesia

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    The purpose of this case study is to compare and contrast two recent initiatives, Sekolah Kita and Cek Sekolahku, both of which were developed within the last five years.

  • Newspaper

    Action Aid enhances accountability capacity in education service delivery



    Arnold Namanja -

    In a bid to promote district level accountability in the delivery of education services, Action Aid has introduced an innovation which will address challenges to achieving high education standards. According to an Action Aid Project Officer in Mangochi, the initiative would address social accountability by working with the district council and building the capacity of various players in decision making positions to understand inclusive and accountable governance.

  • Global Corruption Barometer 2013 GCB

    The Global Corruption Barometer 2013 draws on a survey of more than 114,000 respondents in 107 countries. It addresses people's direct experiences with bribery and details their views on corruption in the main institutions in their countries. It also...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency International, 2013

  • Governance in education: transparency and accountability matters

    This book presents an international review of initiatives aimed at improving transparency and accountability in the management of education in a variety of domains, including: education financing, teacher appointment and transfer, teacher conduct...

    Hallak, Jacques, Poisson, Muriel

    Battaramulla, Ministry of Education, Sri Lanka, 2013

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