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1-10 of 16 results

  • Newspaper

    Controversy over false teacher diplomas revived

    South Africa


    - RFI

    In South Africa, an incident at a school in Soweto revived the debate over false teacher qualifications. This week, a former primary school teacher stabbed a director who had suspended him. The teacher was dismissed after the school discovered, following a complaint from parents, that he had lied about his qualifications and had no diploma. According to the South African Council of Educators, dozens or even hundreds of teachers lie about their qualifications.

  • Newspaper

    Investigation launched into leaked Life Sciences exam paper

    South Africa



    Pretoria – A task team has been set up to investigate how a Life Sciences matric exam paper was leaked in Limpopo, the Basic Education Minister announced on Tuesday. The task team will be charged with establishing the source of the security breach as well as the spread of the access to the question paper. Among the possible outcomes of the scale of the leak is that learners at the affected school could be asked to rewrite the exam.

  • Newspaper

    What the proposed qualification fraud policy means for SA

    South Africa


    - The Skills Portal

    Government’s plan to draft in a policy to target qualification fraud is expected to reap positive results for South Africa, including ensuring that South African tertiary institutions are not robbed of the reverence many of them have earned for decades. One of the main benefits would be that CV verification will become standardised, ensuring accuracy and no room for deviation, in both the public and private sectors.

  • Newspaper

    Government to crackdown on fake qualifications

    South Africa


    - The skills portal

    The Deputy President says a proposal to deal with the problem of fake qualifications is being prepared and will soon be presented to Cabinet for approval. He said the Minister of Higher Education and Training has already requested that the South African Qualifications Authority establish a national register to list names of individuals who have misrepresented their qualifications or who have invalid qualifications.

  • Newspaper

    42 bogus universities and colleges shut down

    South Africa


    Russel Molefe - The New Age

    Forty-two bogus colleges and universities which offered fake and unaccredited programmes have been shut down, the Department of higher education and training said. They include three bogus universities which purported to be US-based and offered degrees in 15 days. They are Barkley University, Study for Career Success and the Fargo University.

  • Newspaper

    Making it easier to spot fake degrees

    South Africa


    Mogomotsi Magome - IOL News

    The SA Qualifications Authority (SAQA) is introducing new regulations on the evaluation of qualifications obtained from foreign institutions to curb the scourge of fake degrees. SAQA has also introduced new security features on its certificate of evaluation which compared the foreign qualification with those offered in South Africa.

  • Newspaper

    W Cape cheating college principal fired

    South Africa


    - SABC News

    The private college in Athlone, Cape Town, where 46 candidates cheated during the 2014 matric exams, has fired its principal. "Thus far, the school has dismissed the principal who was head of the examinations, and has accepted the resignation of two teachers who admitted to being involved", Stonefountain College Director said.

  • Combatting corruption in education on a global front

    Muriel Poisson


  • Newspaper

    Students warned of unregistered courses

    South Africa


    Leanee Jansen - IOL News

    The Department of Higher Education has warned students to be wary of "registered" private colleges which offer certificates, diplomas and degrees but do not have its stamp of approval. A department spokesman expressed concern about the current trend whereby institutions secured registration for one or two programmes, and then used this status as a cover to offer other unregistered courses.

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