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Access almost 1000 references to publications and academic articles about corruption in education

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  • Human rights and corruption

    Corruption is the cause and core of many human rights violations. Among countries, there is a generalised trend of systemic corruption coexisting with an institutionalised failure to respect human rights. The three countries where perceived...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency International, 2008

  • Democratisation and corruption in Mongolia

    Subsequent to the end of the communist system in 1990, Mongolia has established a democratic regime, and has been assessed as being relatively well governed. However, more recently, corruption has been worsening, despite the continuation of a...

    Fritz, Verena


  • Corruption and inequality in Africa: Afrobarometer working paper

    This paper presents an argument called the inequality trap namely how high inequality leads to low trust in groups and then to high levels of corruption, and back to higher levels of corruption. It presents an analysis for Africa using Afrobarometer...

    Uslaner, Eric

    Cape Town, Afrobarometer, 2007

  • Transparency and accountability in public financial administration

    This paper examines financial aspects of accountability for the use of public funds, that is, fiscal accountability. It explains the growing demand for fiscal accountability, answers the who, for what, to whom and how questions, describes the move...

    Shende, Suresh, Bennett, Tony

    New York, UN DESA DPADM, 2004

  • Helping countries combat corruption. Progress at the World Bank since 1997

    This report puts into motion a chain of events that fundamentally reformed the way the Bank thinks about, and acts against, corruption. In its first part, it thus details the progress that the Bank has made building each of the four pillars of its...

    World Bank. Operational Core Service

    Washington, D.C., World Bank, 2000

  • How bad governance impedes poverty alleviation in Bangladesh

    In 1995/96, 47.5 percent of the population of Bangladesh were still living below the poverty line. This paper argues that the persistence of poverty in Bangladesh originates less in the lack of resources than in the failures of governance. These...

    Sobhan, Rehman

    Paris, OECD, 1998

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