Helping countries combat corruption. Progress at the World Bank since 1997

Author(s) : World Bank. Operational Core Service

Organization : World Bank. Operational Core Service, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network

Imprint : Washington, D.C., World Bank, 2000

Collation :

120 p.

Series : Report No. 21571

Notes :


This report puts into motion a chain of events that fundamentally reformed the way the Bank thinks about, and acts against, corruption. In its first part, it thus details the progress that the Bank has made building each of the four pillars of its anti-corruption strategy, namely minimising fraud and corruption in bank-financed projects; helping countries that request assistance; mainstreaming corruption considerations into the World Bank's operational work; and supporting international efforts to address corruption. Its second part includes a list of Bank operations, which are explicitly targeted at corruption, improvements in governance, and/or institutional reform in the public sector. The list is organized by region, country, and categories of programs; it makes a distinction between four main categories of operations: grant-based assistance to reduce corruption; economic and sector work and mission reports on corruption; in-country workshops and surveys on corruption; and, finally, governance-related lending.

  • Accountability, Anti-corruption strategies, Legal framework, Capacity building, Corruption, Fraud, Development aid, Diagnostic tools / surveys, Economic and social development, Ethics, Finance, Governance, Integrity, Non-governemental organizations, Poverty, Procurement, Public sector, Social inequality, Transparency
  • International