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1-10 of 191 results

  • Academic integrity guidelines

    The Network has produced these Guidelines to support the sector to collectively define and understand academic integrity; what it means within a higher education institution; what challenges it raises; and to implement a robust approach to preventing...

    Dublin, Quality and Qualifications Ireland, QQI, 2021

  • Open school data: what planners need to know

    This publication has been prepared to help decision-makers as well as educational planners and managers make informed decisions regarding access to practical, effective, and usable open school data. It argues that education authorities have much to...

    Poisson, Muriel

    Paris, UNESCO-IIEP, 2021

  • Code d’intégrité scientifique

    Depuis que les « Principes de base et procédures concernant l’intégrité dans la recherche scientifique » ont été publiés par les Académies suisses des sciences en 2008, le champ scientifique a connu des changements considérables. Un groupe d’experts...

    • Aebi-Müller Regina E. et col.

    Berne, Académies suisses des sciences, 2021

  • Developing open school data policies: Basic principles

    The term ‘Open school data’ refers to all information about school inputs, processes, and/or outputs that are shared with the general public.Open school data (OSD) are primary data, disaggregated at school level, which allow school inputs, processes...

    Poisson, Muriel

    Paris, IIEP, 2021

  • Pre-service teachers’ ethical role construction in China

    This study examines pre-service teachers’ construction of ethical roles in teaching practice in China. This study finds that three major changes emerged in pre-service teachers’ understanding of teacher ethics after teaching practice: viewing caring...

    Ye, Wangbei, Wu, Pingyi, Zhanga, Miaomiao, Jia, Yushan, Zou, Jiachen

    Journal of Beliefs & Values, 2021

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