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1-10 of 13 results

  • Newspaper

    VCs risk 20 years’ imprisonment over unapproved courses



    Graphic Online - University World News

    Following the implementation of the Education Regulatory Bodies Act, 2020 (Act 1023) any new Higher Education institution in Ghana that advertises or runs a programme for which it has no accreditation, penalties will include paying a fine of GHS240,000 (US$41,400). Alternatively, the vice-chancellor or rector of the institution concerned will be imprisoned for up to 20 years, but both penalties can be applied.

  • Newspaper

    Universities should establish anti-money-laundering practices


    Wagdy Sawahel - University World News

    Reports show that criminals exploit cash payments made by West African students to pay tuition and other service fees at United Kingdom universities. Private universities and cross-border foreign campuses in Africa are used as an investment and to integrate the proceeds of crime into the legitimate economy. When more than the tuition fee is paid, they request the university to refund the overpayment to a third party’s account such as the bank account of a drug supplier or a bribed official.

  • Newspaper

    The UK education system has provided a safe haven for corrupt Nigerian politicians



    Tolu Olasoji - Quartz Africa

    A recent report highlights risks of investment of funds into the UK education sector by African elites, including “politically exposed persons”, some of whom have been convicted of corruption or whose assets have been seized by the UK. According to the report, the gap between what west African PEPs pay for a UK education and what they can legitimately afford is a significant red flag. Relatively lax anti-money laundering rules in the British education sector mean that school administrators and admissions staff are potentially complicit in illegal flows of money.

  • Newspaper

    Former exam administrator gets probation in bribery scheme



    - WTOP

    A former administrator from Houston Independent School District was sentenced to one year of probation for her involvement in the admission scandal that ensnared wealthy parents across the country. She was accused of taking bribes from the admission consultant at the center of the scheme in exchange for allowing someone to sit exams on behalf of their clients ‘children or correct their answers. 50 more people were arrested last year in the scheme, in which authorities say undeserving kids were admitted to top universities with bogus athletic credentials or fake test scores.

  • Newspaper

    Legislators have plan to combat ‘Varsity Blues’ UC admissions fraud scandal



    David Taure - Gvwire

    The University of California system inappropriately admitted 64 wealthy and well-connected students as favors to donors, family, and friends and denied applicants that are more qualified an equal opportunity to education. 55 people were charged with bribery and fraud to secure admission included faking credentials of student-athletes.

  • Newspaper

    Top private university’s admissions irregularities exposed

    Korea R


    Aimee Chung - University World News

    An audit conducted at Yonsei University In Seoul revealed 86 cases of irregularities including unfair admissions, evaluations, and recruitment issues, as well as allegations of misappropriation of university funds by professors who used the university ‘corporate cards’ to pay for nightclub entertainment and golf. Twenty-six staff and faculty members are subject to disciplinary action, and eight cases have been filed for violations of regulations including allegations of misconduct or embezzlement and violations of private school laws.

  • Combating corruption in higher education in Uzbekistan


    Uzbekistan has undertaken significant legal and institutional reforms to combat corruption in recent years. Among these, is the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № UP-5729 "On measures to further improve the anti-corruption system in the Republic of Uzbekistan" adopted on May 27, 2019.

  • Newspaper

    50 professors decry Murdoch action against whistle-blower



    Geoff Maslen - University World News

    Perth’s Murdoch University and other universities have become heavily reliant on foreign student fees to bolster their incomes. 50 professors from the Australian Research Council’s Laureate Fellowship condemned the decision to take legal action against an associate professor from the university. Deeply concerned about the integrity of academic teaching, the professor complained on television that the university was not only enrolling international students whose English was inadequate but also allow them to graduate.

  • Newspaper

    Manipulation’ of young girls prevalent in West Africa’s educational system



    Ayodeji Adegboyega - Premium Times

    The Commissioner for Education, Science and Culture says there are three major kinds of corruption in the West Africa’s educational system: manipulation of girls, favouritism when it comes to admission into higher institutions and sex for marks. Young girls often fall prey to teachers, among others “who make the education sector the worst hit by corruption. A scholarship programme has been put in place in order to protect these young girls and strengthen the educational terrain.

  • Newspaper

    Minister denounces university entrance fraud



    Jane Marshall - University World News

    Angola's higher education and science minister has denounced officials’ fraudulent malpractice in student university entrance processes. The former dean of the medical faculty and associate professor at Katyavala Bwila University, Benguela, said the use of fraud, cronyism, and nepotism for a student to gain a place at university was a “widespread evil” which all of society should fight against. The minister said it was “unacceptable that those students with the best results are not selected for university entrance because of the negative influences of a number of senior university managers”.

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