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11-20 of 64 results

  • Open Contracting: The School Meals Programme in Bogotá, Colombia

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    This case study examines the open contracting model used to implement the School Meals Programme (SMP) in the Capital District of Bogotá, Colombia. It analyses how this model made it possible for stakeholders to understand and monitor procurement processes by providing direct, real time access to all the necessary information.

  • Open Government: local consultation structures in the municipalities of Sahanivotry and Masindray, Madagascar

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    This study focuses on the local consultation structures (LCS) implemented in Madagascar at the municipal level. Each SLC is composed of community leaders, the municipal council, decentralized technical services, economic operators, civil society organizations, local dignitaries and traditional chiefs, local political parties and organizations, associations of women, youth, and vulnerable groups, as well as existing consultation bodies.

  • Open budgeting: Learning from the Open School Platform in Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine

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    This case study looks at how open budgeting is used in Ukraine, focusing on the Open School Platform (OS) – an innovative online open budget website developed in 2016 by Fund UNION, a Ukrainian civil society organization. OS facilitates interaction and enables transparent communication between key education stakeholders, including local public authorities, schools, and parents. The study assesses how this open government approach is being applied to resolve the issue of non‐transparent school financing which undermines trust in educational planning.

  • Newspaper

    Government suspends fraudulent Kwekwe High School teacher



    Michael Magoronga - Chronicle

    Two Kwekwe High School teachers have been suspended after they allegedly asked parents for money to secure Form One places for their children. The matter only became public on the school's opening day, when the school authorities discovered that there was an extra class of 30 students, prompting the headmaster to launch an investigation.

  • Corruption prevention toolkit on kindergartens' operations

    Kindergarten plays a key role in early childhood education and hence the public has a high expectation on both its quality of education and governance. Following the launch of the Kindergarten Education Scheme in the 2017-18 school year, the...

    Independent Commission Against Corruption, 2020

  • Newspaper

    Right to education frauds go unchecked as schools, officials don’t press charges



    Abhishek Choudhari - The Times of India

    Since its implementation in 2012, the Right to Education admissions has been riddled with fraudulent applicants. For the current academic year, the government has asked the parents for a signed affidavit claiming responsibility for the genuineness of the documents. Despite being informed of criminal prosecution if their documents are found to be fake, parents with sound background have been shamelessly lied to receive free school admission meant for those on a low income.

  • Open government in Indonesia

    A talk with IIEP researcher: Muriel Poisson on open government in education


    The latest addition to IIEP’s series on Ethics and Corruption in Education is here! The new book, prepared under the guidance of Muriel Poisson, IIEP Programme Specialist, is the first in a new research project on open government in education. The book combines an in-depth conceptual overview with an initial analysis of projects already in place worldwide.

  • Redefining citizen-government boundaries: open government in education


    Citizen participation has become an integral part of national and international anti-corruption programmes.

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