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1-10 of 16 results

  • Open government, anti-corruption, and democratic lotteries in education

    Simon Pek and Jeff Kennedy


  • Council of Europe's Call for best practices in promoting academic integrity during COVID-19


    Are you a higher education institution actively working on promoting academic integrity? Have you found solutions to promote/safeguard academic integrity during COVID-19? The Council of Europe Education Department has just opened a call for best practices in promoting academic integrity in higher education institutions in Europe.

  • Building integrity for life starting in the classroom

    Isabelle Kermeen


  • Combating corruption in higher education in Uzbekistan


    Uzbekistan has undertaken significant legal and institutional reforms to combat corruption in recent years. Among these, is the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № UP-5729 "On measures to further improve the anti-corruption system in the Republic of Uzbekistan" adopted on May 27, 2019.

  • Business integrity toolkit for young entrepreneurs

    Corruption and fraud misdirect public funds away from the people they are supposed to support. The reality is that the Sustainable Development Goals, which are a broadly recognized series of targets for governments and society to achieve by 2030, are...

    UNDP, 2020

  • Corruption in higher education: global challenges and responses

    The lack of academic integrity combined with the prevalence of fraud and other forms of unethical behavior are problems that higher education faces in both developing and developed countries, at mass and elite universities, and at public and private...

    Denisova-Schmidt, Elena

    Brill, Sense, 2020

  • How to integrate ethical dimensions in teaching standards


    On 9 and 10 October 2019, IIEP participated in the Regional Consultation on teaching standards organized by the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030. The purpose of this consultation was for key education stakeholders to review and comment on an “international guidance framework for elaborating national or regional teaching standards to support countries in stepping up their progress on increasing the supply of qualified teachers”.

  • Video

    Engaging youth in anti-corruption. Part 2



    Transparency International -

    National Integrity Action Jamaica discusses the necessity of youth participation in the fight against corruption. Young people possess unique perspectives that can shed light on issues in innovative and new solutions. Also, youth can also break that continuity of corruption.

  • IIEP participates in the Annual International Conference for Integrity (CAII) held in Peru


    At the invitation of the Comptroller General’s Office of the Republic of Peru, IIEP participated in the 2018 Annual International Conference for Integrity (CAII) held in Lima, Peru, from 6 to 7 December 2018. This annual event seeks to "create a space for discussion about different government oversight mechanisms and their latest developments around the world”.

  • Newspaper

    How to curb corruption in schools



    Misbahu Bashir - The Daily Trust

    At the opening ceremony of the zonal conference of the Association of Women in Colleges of Education (WICE), the Provost of the College of Education, decried the existence of corrupt practices in schools. He said corruption can be reduced when people embraced the principles of transparency, integrity and accountability in public and private transaction. The theme of the conference was: “The role of education in curbing corruption and youth unemployment in the 21st Century.”

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