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1-10 of 153 results

  • Promoting integrity in general and Higher Education in Kuwait


    At the invitation of Nazaha, the Kuwait Anti-Corruption Authority, IIEP participated in a capacity-building workshop entitled “Promoting integrity in the education sector”.

  • New book puts the spotlight on open school data in Latin America


    The latest book in our global exploration of open school data to combat corruption in education is now out, with an in-depth look at initiatives from across Latin America.

  • Open government in education

    Basic page

    As part of its 2018-2021 Medium-Term Strategy, the IIEP has launched a new research project to explore the emerging movement towards open government and its potential to improve transparency and accountability in the education sector.

  • Newspaper

    The story of failure: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa inspection team endorses story of ghost schools



    Ansar Abbasi - The News

    The Provincial Inspection Team (PIT) detected embezzled amount of Rs19.4 million from just 24 Iqra Farogh-e-Taleem Voucher Scheme (IFTVS) schools in Mansehra instead of the 89 schools registered by the KP government. The Provincial Bureau of Statistics (BOS) survey identified 23,071 out of schoolchildren for their enrolment in district Mansehra. However, the PIT inquiry found, “the data collected by BOS was erroneous as per 100% validation by district programme officer only 4,183 students were physically available, whereas the PIT also found a huge variation in the data.”

  • Newspaper

    Mega corruption found in Sindh Education Department



    Imdad Soomro - The News

    Sindh Anti-Corruption Establishment has found corruption and misuse of authority in Sindh Education Department district Jacobabad involving illegal inducting of hundreds of fake teachers, getting illegal financial benefits in the name of fake employees’ retirement, pension and death claims from department and life insurance company. The investigation continues after the fraud of millions of rupees has been reported, as well as the illegal role and abuse of authority from officers of the Education and Finance Departments.

  • Newspaper

    Aim of school fee rise cap is to check corruption



    Nasir Iqbal - Dawn

    In order to fight corruption and discourage private schools to operate a cartel, the Supreme Court in Pakistan has not allowed an increase in school fees of more than 5% per year. Many directors of private schools took money from parents for security deposits and admission fees and earned profits on that money. An Auditor General report highlighted how in public schools some teachers received very good salaries, but they were not doing justice to what they receive while teachers in private schools earned far less amount but they perform better.

  • Information and transparency: school report cards in sub-Saharan Africa


    A new publication from IIEP-UNESCO investigates the use and impact of school report cards in sub-Saharan Africa as a means to promote transparency and accountability while keeping corruption at bay.

  • Video

    Increase of teacher absenteeism, interview by teacher unions

    South Africa


    eNCA -

    eNews Channel Africa reports that a recent document made by the school monitoring survey shows the national absenteeism aggregate for teachers in South African schools has risen from eight percent to ten percent on an average day. Teacher unions are discussing the lack of context of the report.

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