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1-10 of 10 results

  • Newspaper

    Ukraine fights its shortfall of trust in education



    Andreas Schleicher - The Open Society Foundations

    Integrity is not just a cornerstone of quality and equity in education; it is the foundation of a healthy, open society. School is typically the first place where children are exposed to diverse cultures and interact with public institutions. Addressing highly visible and criminal misconduct in education is a first step in establishing this trust. Merit-based, high-quality education is essential for Ukraine’s economic growth and social progress. Trust, openness, and transparency are the building blocks of a well-functioning education system and society. With these, Ukraine can achieve better outcomes from its education system, ensuring that human and financial resources are well used, that students have equal opportunities to learn, and that educational qualifications faithfully reflect students’ achievements.

  • Exemplary Academic Integrity Project, Academic Integrity Toolkit

    The purpose of the Academic Integrity Policy Toolkit is to guide Australian higher education providers in: - the development of their Academic Integrity policy; or - in reviewing or auditing their existing Academic Integrity policy against exemplary...

    Bretag, Tracey, Mahmud, Saadia


  • Global corruption report: education

    Corruption and poor governance are acknowledged as major impediments to realising the right to education and to reaching global development goals. Corruption not only distorts access to education, but affects the quality of education and the...

    Transparency International

    Oxford, Routledge, 2013

  • Strengthening integrity and fighting corruption in education: Serbia

    This first Integrity of Education Systems (INTES) country assessment was undertaken at the request of the Ministry of Education and Science of Serbia, following presentations of the assessment methodology to the Steering Group of the OECD Anti...

    Milovanovitch, Mihaylo, Bloem, Simone, Checchi, Francesco, Devine, Vera, Kalnins, Valts, McGuinness, Séamus, Poisson, Muriel, Roberts-Schweitzer, Eluned, Whitman, Ian

    Paris, OECD, 2012

  • Preventing corruption in the education system: a practical guide

    This practical guide addresses those responsible for development cooperation projects aiming to promote reform in the education sector. They are intended to provide ideas and practical support, and to indicate ways of integrating corruption...

    German Agency for Technical Cooperation

    Eschborn (Germany), GTZ, 2004

  • Newspaper

    The darkening shadow of stolen words



    Alexandra Smith - The Age

    A plagiarism scandal is putting at risk Australia's $2 billion education export industry. In fact, a plagiarism cover-up scandal involving 15 of the students' Malaysian classmates is threatening to damage Newcastle University's international reputation and its lucrative relationship with Asia.

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