Preventing corruption in the education system: a practical guide
Organization : German Agency for Technical Cooperation, Germany. Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
Imprint : Eschborn (Germany), GTZ, 2004
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This practical guide addresses those responsible for development cooperation projects aiming to promote reform in the education sector. They are intended to provide ideas and practical support, and to indicate ways of integrating corruption prevention components appropriately in projects of this nature. It analyses the following four priorities: corruption in the personnel system; in the finance and procurement system; in access to (and the right to remain in) educational institutions; in the certification of examination results; and in the quality and quantity of education. The guide first highlights manifestations of corruption in the education sector and prospective weak points. Possible counter measures are then presented in the form of recommendations for development cooperation approaches. The annexes provide examples of proposed impact indicators at project level, in addition to an overview of the instruments and resources quoted in the paper.
- Access to education, Accountability, Anti-corruption strategies, Legal framework, Civil society, Corporate sector, Corruption, Diagnostic tools / surveys, Economic and social development, Educational management, Central administration, Educational quality, Examinations and diplomas, Finance, Governance, Integrity, Parents, Procurement, Teachers, Transparency
- Germany