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1-8 of 8 results

  • Getting to the root of corruption in education

    Adam Graycar


  • Building integrity for life starting in the classroom

    Isabelle Kermeen


  • Promoting integrity in general and Higher Education in Kuwait


    At the invitation of Nazaha, the Kuwait Anti-Corruption Authority, IIEP participated in a capacity-building workshop entitled “Promoting integrity in the education sector”.

  • Information and transparency: school report cards in sub-Saharan Africa


    A new publication from IIEP-UNESCO investigates the use and impact of school report cards in sub-Saharan Africa as a means to promote transparency and accountability while keeping corruption at bay.

  • Promoting integrity in the Kuwait education system through the development of teacher codes of conduct


    In February this year, Muriel Poisson, IIEP programme Specialist in charge of the Institute’s project on ‘Ethics and Corruption in Education, travelled to Kuwait City to facilitate a capacity-building workshop entitled “Promoting integrity in the education system: Focus on teacher codes of conduct”.

  • Newspaper

    Children miss out on school because of corruption



    - IRIN

    New teachers often face a many-month delay before they receive their salaries. Teachers sometimes supplement their income with a second job. This can affect their own attendance at school, and can put pressure on the amount of time they have to prepare their lessons. A 2007 report by the Cambodian NGO Education Partnership (NEP) reveals education costs for each child averaged $108 annually, or 9 percent of each family's annual income. "When you include informal and formal school costs, and private classes and snacks, many students are paying $2.50 every day," the education and capacity-building officer for the NGO Education Partnership (NEP), told IRIN. The inability to pay informal fees was the most common reason parents gave for their children dropping out, the report stated.

  • Women and Minorities as Educational Change Agents

    The "Women and Minorities as Educational Change Agents" is one of the eleven sub-projects of the "Special University Linkage Consolidation Program" in China, named "Women and Minorities as Educational Change Agents", which includes an ethical...

    Canadian International Development Agency


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