1-10 of 157 results

  • Newspaper

    Degree mills tarnish private higher education


    Sarah King-Head - University World News

    According to the most recent report of Accredibase, the UK-based background screening company Verifile Limited, there was a staggering 48% increase in the number of known degree or diploma mills operating worldwide last year. It identified more than 2,500 bogus institutions across all regions, but primarily in North America and Europe.

  • Newspaper

    World Bank wants anti-graft lessons on school curriculum in poor countries


    Heather Stewart - The Guardian

    The World Bank's anti-graft chief says developing nations should be given a manual to help them deal with corruption. Tackling corruption should be put on the curriculum for every school child in the world's poorest countries, he says.

  • Newspaper

    Educational sites provide ample fodder for plagiarism


    Dian Schaffhauser - Campus Technology

    Paper mills and cheat sites are losing ground to social and user-generated Web sites as sources of material for student papers, and Wikipedia rules above all others as a source for plagiarism. A third of matched content derives from online sites where people contribute and share content, while only 15 percent of content matches have ties to sites specifically promoting "academic dishonesty".

  • Newspaper

    Plagiarism and the web: myths and realities


    - Turnitin News

    Turnitin News recently conducted a study that examined which Internet sites students used in their written work. They classified 110 million content matches in 40 million student papers that were submitted to Turnitin over a ten-month period.

  • Diploma and accreditation mills: new trends in credential abuse

    This report investigates the new generation of bogus universities, taking a closer look at the involvement of bogus colleges in immigration scams and the phenomenon of online high school diploma mills. It also looks back at the year's developments in...

    Ben Cohen, Eyal, Winch, Rachel

    Bedford, 2011

  • Le Plagiat étudiant

    Les médias traitent souvent du plagiat chez les écrivains, les musiciens ou les universitaires. Cette pratique concerne aussi les étudiants dont 34,5% auraient déjà recopié tout ou partie d'un texte pour le présenter comme personnel dans le cadre d...

    Guibert, Pascal, Michaut, Christophe


  • Newspaper

    Professional vs ethical in student recruitment


    Matthew Ulmer - University World News

    A goal of the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) in the US is to ensure principled conduct among professionals in the recruitment of students. In support of this, and as more of their members enlist the services of international student recruiters, the association is currently considering revising and updating its Statement of Principles of Good Practice in regard to agent use.

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