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1-10 of 159 results

  • Newspaper

    Georgia State students warn about cheating through GroupMe



    Jada Jones - Signal

    The assistant dean of students reported 292 cases of academic dishonesty on the Atlanta campus for the academic year 2019/20. For the current year, from July 1 through, 268 more cases through November 5. With the increased use of technology and apps like GroupMe, universities all over the country had to integrate cheating via GroupMe into their academic honesty policies.

  • Newspaper

    Academic integrity suffers in the age of COVID-19, distance learning



    Julia Herlyn - Inklings News

    A study conducted by Visual Objects revealed that 52% of students anticipate widespread cheating and breaches of academic integrity while experiencing distance learning. Upholding academic standards have been replaced with an unethical pursuit of higher grades at the cost of true education and personal character. At Staples High School, for example, teachers may give the same test to students – with half of the class in person, and the other half participating via Zoom. When assessments are announced, many online students use various tools to cheat on tests. Photomath, a popular mobile app that completes math problems by scanning photos, has experienced heightened usage during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Video

    Fraudsters, manipulators and others: the delinquents of knowledge



    XERFICanal -

    A professor emeritus at the University of Geneva discusses her main research topic: integrity sciences. During the interview, she documents the different profiles of what she calls "knowledge offenders". 

  • New IIEP online course on corruption in education


    September 2020 marked the launch of the IIEP-UNESCO online course on ‘Transparency, accountability, and anti-corruption measures in education’. Building on IIEP’s research and training activities in the area of corruption in education, this new course aims to bring together different education stakeholders to learn and exchange on practices of corruption, and strategies to address them in different education domains. This online course is organized as part of the Institute’s programme on Ethics and Corruption in Education.

  • Newspaper

    State auditor finds dozens of improper college admissions



    CNN - University World News

    64 candidates were unfairly enrolled at the University of California between 2013 and 2019 because of their personal or family ties to donors and academic staff. The state auditor reports that the university has undermined the fairness and integrity of its admissions process and has denied more qualified students the opportunity to be enrolled.

  • Newspaper

    Integrity: an answer to corruption

    Viet Nam


    Quynh Tong - Transparency International

    81 per cent of young people in Vietnam said they have no or very little information on integrity and anti-corruption rules. The Youth Integrity Survey 2019 revealed that while most young people seem to understand the concept of integrity, a majority appear willing to compromise integrity to gain benefits for themselves and their families. The Vietnam Integrity School brings young people together across Vietnam to learn about anti-corruption, exchange ideas, and discuss how to design and implement initiatives to promote integrity in their school, community, and workplace.

  • Newspaper

    The challenges hindering the promotion of a culture of integrity at Jordanian Universities


    Esraa Fwzi Mustafa Abu Amshah, Mohammed Amin” Hamed Al-Qudah - The Journal of Education and Practice

    A recent study shows that nepotism, materialistic employees, and lack of resources are some of the challenges that hinder the promotion of a culture of integrity in Jordanian universities. Faculty members could play a very important role in addressing these problems by providing courses that promote transparency, justice, accountability, and equality among individuals in society. The Anti-Corruption Commission launched initiatives in 2019 to encourage family-community partnerships improve the educational process.

  • Newspaper

    The usurpation of exam results is a recurring scandal in China



    Zhang Zhulin - Courrier International

    In two years, nearly 250 students in one Chinese province have been stripped of their university entrance exam results. Despite her excellent grades, a high school student in Shandong province failed twice her gaokao, the national entrance exam to a public university. Her failure was in fact due to the usurpation of her identity and positive results by the daughter of one of her high school teachers.

  • Newspaper

    New Education Integrity Unit to tackle cheating and “essay factories” in Australian universities



    Conor Duffy - Abc news

    The new Federal government-funded Education Integrity Unit will monitor academic misconduct at Australian Universities. Researchers report that between 6 and 10 per cent of students have cheated during their studies. The new academic Unit will address “emerging threats” to academic and research integrity, admission standards and information, student safety, foreign interference, cybersecurity, fraud, and corruption.

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