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1-10 of 11 results

  • E4J: The importance of teacher codes of conduct in teaching the rule of law


    For over 15 years, IIEP has been promoting the use of Teacher Codes of Conduct in the fight against corruption in education systems worldwide. This was the subject of a recent workshop given during the Education Justice (E4J ) Global Dialogue Series.

  • Corruption prevention toolkit on kindergartens' operations

    Kindergarten plays a key role in early childhood education and hence the public has a high expectation on both its quality of education and governance. Following the launch of the Kindergarten Education Scheme in the 2017-18 school year, the...

    Independent Commission Against Corruption, 2020

  • Promoting integrity in general and Higher Education in Kuwait


    At the invitation of Nazaha, the Kuwait Anti-Corruption Authority, IIEP participated in a capacity-building workshop entitled “Promoting integrity in the education sector”.

  • How to integrate ethical dimensions in teaching standards


    On 9 and 10 October 2019, IIEP participated in the Regional Consultation on teaching standards organized by the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030. The purpose of this consultation was for key education stakeholders to review and comment on an “international guidance framework for elaborating national or regional teaching standards to support countries in stepping up their progress on increasing the supply of qualified teachers”.

  • Promoting integrity in the Kuwait education system through the development of teacher codes of conduct


    In February this year, Muriel Poisson, IIEP programme Specialist in charge of the Institute’s project on ‘Ethics and Corruption in Education, travelled to Kuwait City to facilitate a capacity-building workshop entitled “Promoting integrity in the education system: Focus on teacher codes of conduct”.

  • Anti-corruption day: developing country capacity to fight corruption in education


    IIEP has trained more than 2,200 people in the area of transparency, accountability, and anti-corruption measures in education since 2003. From 4 to 6 October 2018, the Institute joined forces with NEPC to offer a new course on this topic in Tbilisi for country teams from Azerbaijan, Croatia, Estonia, Georgia, Moldova, and Mongolia.

  • Video

    Creation of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teacher



    BEST Program - Phipppines -

    This video explains the development of the Professional Standards for Teachers in Philippines, including creating a common language for teachers to teach. In August 2017, the Secretary of the Department of Education signed an Order, stipulating the national adoption and implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers.

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