1-8 of 8 results

  • Newspaper

    Students cry foul over Grace Mugabe PhD



    Lloyd Mbiba - Nehanda Radio

    The Zimbabwe National Students Union (Zinasu) has piled on the pressure on the University of Zimbabwe (UZ) describing the doctorate awarded to first lady last week as a "Genetically Modified Doctorate", which has shamed local academia.

  • Newspaper

    Zimbabwe: Coltart accused of abusing education transition fund



    Hebert Zharare - The Herald

    The Education, Sport, Arts and Culture Minister has been accused of hijacking the Education Transition Fund (ETF) where he allegedly set up parallel structures in a bid to divert money to finance his cash-strapped MDC party's activities.

  • Newspaper

    Resign or be fired, students urge acting Higher Education Minister



    Kudzai Mashininga - University World News

    The country's Anti-Corruption Commission is investigating the current Higher Education Minister after a number of graft accusations, and the Zimbabwe National Students Union, ZINASU, said he should resign or be fired by the President on the grounds that he was unfit to hold the portfolio.

  • Newspaper

    Zimbabwe: Massive corruption hits education sector



    Felex Share - The Herald

    Massive corruption has hit the education sector with district education officials reportedly demanding various amounts of money to interview temporary teachers to fill in vacant posts. The education officials are charging the desperate untrained teachers for application forms which are normally distributed for free.

  • Newspaper

    Chinese-funded military university opened by Mugabe

    Zimbabwe, China


    Kudzai Mashininga - University World News

    The Zimbabwean President has financed a military university, utilizing profits from diamond mines, many of which have been accused of human right infringements. The university will only be open to high ranking military members. Many have dubbed this step as an effort by the President to strengthen his position within the military.

  • Daily lives and corruption: public opinion in Southern Africa

    Between 2010 and 2011, more than 6000 people were interviewed in six Southern African countries - the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe - on their views of corruption levels in their countries...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, TI, 2011

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