Daily lives and corruption: public opinion in Southern Africa

Author(s) : Transparency International

Organization : Transparency International

Imprint : Berlin, TI, 2011

Collation :

34 p.

Between 2010 and 2011, more than 6000 people were interviewed in six Southern African countries - the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe - on their views of corruption levels in their countries and their governments' efforts to fight corruption. This report also examines the frequency of reports of bribery in different sectors (including education) and institutions, and the reasons respondents paid bribes during the last year. It also investigates public willingness to engage in the fight against corruption.

  • Anti-corruption strategies, Corruption, Bribery, Diagnostic tools / surveys, Perception surveys, Educational management, Central administration, Governance, Public sector
  • Africa
    Congo DR, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe