1-10 of 80 results

  • Newspaper

    Public school teachers get code of conduct



    Ethel A. Tweh-Edited, Jonathan Browne - The New Dawn

    The Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Education has launched a code of conduct for public school teachers across the country. The director for communications at the Ministry of Education said the code of conduct is intended to enable teachers conduct themselves in the classroom as well as eliminate corporal punishment in schools.
    The Ministry of Education has also informed the public that the police have been asked to arrest anyone caught selling textbooks and other school materials being distributed to schools.

  • Newspaper

    Liberia: Education Minister vows to enforce code of conduct



    Calvin Brooks - Allafrica

    Le Ministre de l’éducation promet de mettre en vigueur le code de conduite
    L’ancien Ministre de l’éducation a assuré de l’application du Code de conduite des enseignants et des administrateurs des écoles. Il a insisté sur le fait que le Code de conduite ne sera pas appliqué que pendant une semaine puis rangé sur une étagère, comme tant d’autres politiques du gouvernement toujours en attente d’application.

  • Newspaper

    Stanford University investigates unusual amount of cheating allegations



    - The Huffington Post

    An unusually high number of students at Stanford University are suspected of cheating during the most recent term, putting faculty members and administrators of the prestigious institution on alert. University spokeswoman says that in the 2013-2014 academic year, 83 students violated the honor code. In the most recent term, the newspaper reported that one instructor believes that 20 percent of students in a large introductory course may have cheated.

  • Newspaper

    Kenya: TSC to enforce code of ethics



    Musembi Nsenga - Allafrica

    The Teachers Service Commission is putting in place water-tight measures to enforce performance by teachers and ensure they do not violate professional code of ethics. TSC chairman said teachers will be made to sign the teachers’ code of ethics. The teachers will be required to meet specific targets to ensure they perform to expectations.

  • Our topics

    Basic page

    In addition to knowledge production and management, ETICO provides guidance and country-level support on corruption issues in education.

  • Guidelines for the design and effective use of teacher codes of conduct

    These guidelines have been prepared to help countries successfully design a teacher code of conduct (or review an existing one) and put in place the appropriate mechanisms to ensure its proper dissemination, application, and monitoring at all levels...

    Poisson, Muriel

    Paris, UNESCO, 2019

  • Beyond honour codes: bringing students into the academic integrity equation

    Honour codes represent a successful and unique, student-led, 'bottomup' approach to the promotion of academic integrity (AI). With increased flexibility, globalisation and distance or blended education options, most institutions operate in very...

    Richards, Deborah; Saddiqui, Sonia; McGuigan, Nicholas; Homewood, Judi


  • Newspaper

    Teachers must abide by ethics code - EACC



    Ouma Wanzala - The Daily Nation

    Teachers must abide by the code of conduct and ethics that have been developed by their employers, the anti-corruption watchdog has said. “Compliance with the ethical and integrity standard set under these law is a duty and not a choice. No sector or individual is at liberty to choose what provisions of the law to apply to them,” said the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) chief executive officer. Teachers have rejected attempts to have their their income and assets audited while in service and on exit by by their employer, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).

  • Topic guide: corruption in education services

    Topic guides are a series of publications developed by the Anti-Corruption Helpdesk on key corruption and anti-corruption issues. They provide an overview of the current anti-corruption debate and a list of the most up to date and relevant studies...

    Albisu Ardigó, Iñaki, Chêne, Marie

    Berlin, Transparency International, 2017

  • Chinese students and academics exchange on how to free education systems from corruption


    At the invitation of the Communication University of China (CUC), IIEP delivered a series of lectures on fighting corruption in education on the CUC campus in Beijing, and participated in a forum on academic integrity attended by 100 Chinese universities.

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