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1-10 of 394 results

  • Newspaper

    Decisive action is needed to restore the credibility of NSFAS

    South Africa


    Linda Meyer and Patrick Fish - University World News

    The existing fragmented and unaccountable structures of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) perpetuate dysfunction, corruption, and exploitation, betraying the trust of South Africa’s most vulnerable students and undermining the integrity of its higher education system. During the COVID-19 pandemic, funds intended for vulnerable populations were misappropriated.

  • Newspaper

    Student union concerned over ‘fake’ education agents

    Tanzania UR


    Zachariah Mushawatu - University World News

    The Tanzania Higher Learning Institutions Students’ Organisation (TAHLISO) has warned that fraudulent education agents are sending Tanzanian students to unaccredited universities abroad. TAHLISO’s secretary general called for stronger oversight from education authorities. Reports highlighted the case of a student who lost TZS8 million to such scams. Experts criticize the inadequate monitoring of these agents requesting for collaboration between government, educational institutions, and international bodies to protect students.

  • Video

    AI and cheating in education: How can we safeguard the integrity of exams?


    Dr Phillip Dawson, Dr Christina Wikstrom, Shivi Chandra - EduSkills OECD

    Cheating in school is an age-old problem, but new technologies have made it easier. Mobile phones in particular allow students to peek at notes during exams, text their friends for homework answers, or even use AI apps to solve a problem. Educators and institutions are deploying various measures to combat cheating. But is it enough to safeguard the integrity of exams?

  • Secondary education in Ukraine: corruption and anti-corruption

    Secondary education in Ukraine provides students with both academic and vocational learning opportunities. However, the sector, in particular academic and financial processes, is afflicted by risks of bribery, misappropriation, favouritism and...

    Bergin, Jamie


  • Anti-corruption and integrity outlook 2024

    In recent years, OECD countries have strengthened their anti-corruption and integrity frameworks. However, according to OECD criteria, in key areas countries’ monitoring and implementation of integrity measures need improvement, meaning that...

    Paris, OECD, 2024

  • Corruption in service delivery: topic guide

    This topic guide explores corruption in service delivery in general terms. It serves as an introduction to three other topic guides which assess corruption risks in the health, education and water and sanitation sectors, looking at challenges...

    Transparency International, 2024

  • Newspaper

    Istanbul University student faces discipline for AI-assisted exam cheating, stirs controversy



    Safak Costu - BNN

    A senior law student at Istanbul Bilgi University faced disciplinary action for allegedly using AI, ChatGPT to cheat on an exam. The student’s legal battle ended in suspension, causing financial and emotional distress. The case highlights the challenges of AI in maintaining academic integrity and the need for clearer policies.

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