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1-10 of 486 results

  • Newspaper

    Rector-elect investigated for alleged plagiarism



    Apriadi Gunawan - The Jakarta Post

    A University of North Sumatra (USU) rector has been involved in four separate plagiarism allegation: one in 2014, two in 2017 and one in a 2018 dissertation submitted to apply for a professorship. This is the third plagiarism case at USU following a 2013 case involving a lecturer and a professor in 2015. The two had been sanctioned with delayed promotion and were not allowed to hold any academic position inside or outside the university. The rector could face similar sanctions if found guilty.

  • Newspaper

    West Point faces the worst cheating scandal in decades



    - BBC

    Over 75 students were charged for breaking West Point’s Cadet Honor Code in a math test while studying remotely due to the coronavirus pandemic. Those who admitted cheating had been sent on a six-month rehabilitation programme and would be on probation for the rest of their time at West Point. This is the biggest cheating scandal at West Point since 1976 when 153 cadets were expelled or resigned for cheating on an electrical engineering exam.

  • Newspaper

    Rampant cheating in online examinations reported by universities, IITs scramble for measures to curb malpractice



    Arijit Saha - DNA

    There have been reports of students in Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Bombay, IIT-Kharagpur, and IIT-Ropar using WhatsApp groups to share solutions to questions, and using breaks to call their peers during the examinations. A professor reports that 95% of students cheat. To prevent it, the Ministry of Education has established a committee to develop a common protocol for online internal examinations, and universities are considering the introduction of a code of honour.

  • Newspaper

    UBC investigating after 100 students accused of cheating on math exam



    - DH News

    There were over 100 cases of cheating at the University of British Columbia (UBC) during an online math exam. The UBC director announced that the consequences for the students involved might vary from a warning to a zero on the test, a zero in the course, or even suspension or expulsion. The University has taken the necessary measures to ensure the integrity and security of all online courses.

  • Newspaper

    Students are caught in a currency exchange trap



    Al-Fanar-Medi - University World News

    Private universities in Yemen charge tuition fees in US dollars and create their own currency exchange rates, causing many students to drop out of school. Until 2017, the Central Bank of Yemen in Sanaa set the price of the dollar at 250 Yemeni rials. However, private universities in Taiz set the exchange rate at 400 rials for a dollar and the universities of Aden at 500. Other private universities require students in Aden to pay in dollars and do not accept rials. This forces students to resort to the black market, with an exchange rate of 820 rials per dollar.

  • Newspaper

    Remote learning has led to increase in cheating and online test proctoring service proves controversial



    Elijah Parkmann-Williams - The Voice

    According to a recent poll of Mercer Country Community College students, 64% said they felt more inclined to cheat since moving online. Even though the MCCC uses the Honorlock software that can detect nearby device searches, recognize verbal keywords, and track the students’ movement, the college’s Academic Integrity Committee (AIC) found 45 cases of cheating.

  • Newspaper

    UC Berkeley fall 2020 semester sees 400% increase in cheating allegations



    Veronica Roseborough - The Daily Californian

    UC Berkeley’s Center for Student Conduct has received over 300 reports of alleged academic misconduct during the fall semester and as a result, professors have updated their misconduct policies. The chair of UC Berkeley’s Academic Senate recommended that faculty members use online programs to catch cases of misconduct, register on sites to observe collaboration during exams and use frequent, lower-stakes assessments.

  • Newspaper

    Osmania University adopts harsher anti-plagiarism norms



    Preeti Biswas - The Times of India

    Almost 200 of 900 PhD thesis submitted at Osmania University every year have plagiarized content up 50 per cent. The university reinforced the regulations after approving the University Grants Commissions’ promotion of academic integrity. Faculty members having a similarity of above 40 per cent will be asked to withdraw the manuscript, will be denied the right to annual increments, and will not be allowed to supervise new thesis for 2 to 3 years students.

  • Successful completion of IIEP’s online course on corruption in education


    IIEP successfully concluded its online course on ‘Transparency, accountability and accountability measures’ held from 21 September to 6 November 2020. The objective of the course was to strengthen the skills of participants in assessing corruption risks in the education sector and designing adequate tools and strategies to address such risks.

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