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1-6 of 6 results

  • Education against corruption: a manual for teachers

    This Manual aims to provide teachers with a number of tools they need in order to introduce learning issues related to the students’ education against corruption, as one of the negative phenomena that hinder economic and social development of a...

    Project Against Corruption in Albania (PACA)

    Strasbourg, Council of Europe, 2012

  • The World Bank and Anticorruption in Europe and Central Asia

    In Europe and Central Asia, the radical shift in economic and political systems that occurred in most countries after 1990 made existing forms of corruption more visible and opened opportunities for new forms of corrupt practices. Fostering...

    Anderson, James, Photos, Ilene

    Washington, D.C., World Bank, 2003

  • Hidden challenges to education systems in transition economies

    This book outlines the strategy of the World Bank to guide its work with Europe and Central Asia (ECA) clients in education. In the early stages of the transition, it was felt that education could be safely ignored, because the region faced...

    Berryman, Sue E.

    Washington, World Bank, 2000

  • New frontiers in diagnosing and combating corruption

    Corruption is problematic when policies encourage it and institutional controls are weak. Diagnosing corruption, and understanding its causes and consequences, allows countries to overcome their policy and institutional weaknesses and implement...

    Kaufmann, Daniel, Pradhan, Sanjay, Ryterman, Randi

    Washington, World Bank, 1998

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