Fighting poverty and corruption: integrating the fight against corruption into the PRS process: Analysis and recommendations for development cooperation

Author(s) : German Agency for Technical Cooperation

Organization : German Agency for Technical Cooperation, Division 42: Sector project: Development and Testing of Strategies and Instruments for the Prevention of Corruption

Imprint : Eschborn, GTZ, 2004

Collation :

78 p.

Notes :

Incl. bibliographical references, tables, figures

Corruption is a cause of poverty in developing countries, and a constraint to successful poverty reduction. Working on this premise, this paper explores whether, and if so how, the link between poverty reduction and the fight against corruption is included in the poverty reduction strategies (PRS) of the poorest countries. It is based on the desk study of 54 PRS documents, and in-depth analysis of five country case studies (Ethiopia, Ghana, Cameroon, Nicaragua and Zambia). The most salient result is that the link between poverty reduction and good governance, in general, and the fight against corruption, in particular, is acknowledged almost without exception and integrated into the existing PRS. It provides an overview of the anti-corruption strategies and corruption prevention in the studied PRS; recommendations for development cooperation action; and a number of good practices and interesting cases studies.

  • Accountability, Anti-corruption strategies, Legal framework, Corruption, Development aid, Economic and social development, Educational management, Ethics, Finance, Governance, Poverty, Transparency
  • Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe
    Albania, Azerbaijan, Benin, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bolivia, Cambodia, Cameroon, Chad, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, Mauritania, Madagascar, Mali, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Zambia