1-7 of 7 results

  • Anti-corruption measures in South-eastern Europe. Country reviews and priorities for reform

    The Stability Pact Anti-Corruption Initiative (SPAI), adopted in Sarajevo in February 2000, was born out of the conviction that corruption is a serious threat to the development and stability of South-eastern European countries. This publication...

    OECD. Stability pact Anti-corruption Initiative Steering Group

    Strasbourg (France), Council of Europe Publishing, 2001

  • The World Bank and Anticorruption in Europe and Central Asia

    In Europe and Central Asia, the radical shift in economic and political systems that occurred in most countries after 1990 made existing forms of corruption more visible and opened opportunities for new forms of corrupt practices. Fostering...

    Anderson, James, Photos, Ilene

    Washington, D.C., World Bank, 2003

  • Corruption in higher education: fiction or reality?

    This study provides an analysis of the possible forms of corruption and the main problems facing higher education (both the staff and organisations) which lead to corrupt behaviour, and the characteristics of these problems and conditions under which...

    Kržalić, Armin

    Kiseljak, University ITC Interlogos Center, 2015

  • Newspaper

    Corruption remains part of higher education

    Bosnia and Herzegovina


    Nenad Knezevic - Oneworld net

    Since February 2004, the Centre for Legal Assistance in the Fight Against Corruption, has received over 3,500 complaints on its toll-free number. Over 40% of the total calls, refers to the work of the local administration bodies, while in 25% of the cases, corruption was reported in the education system. The problem is particularly prominent in the higher education, since they receive complaints from both professors and the students.

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