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1-10 of 10 results

  • Cheating or cheated? Surviving secondary exit exams in a neoliberal era

    Cheating on exams is a rampant and highly developed practice among youth in the Arab world, often involving elaborate networks, advanced technology and adult authorities. Rather than viewing cheating as mere laziness or immorality, this article...

    Buckner, Elizabeth; Hodges, Rebecca


  • Newspaper

    Arrests for fraud in leakage of examination papers

    Algeria, Morocco


    Jane Marshall - University World News

    In Algeria the gendarmerie carried out ‘tens of arrests’ for fraud by officials, teachers and heads of some exam centres. Papers had been leaked via social networks, through more than 150 Facebook accounts, which had enabled the police to identify and arrest perpetrators. Meanwhile, 53 people have been arrested in a number of towns in Morocco for their alleged involvement in baccalauréat fraud. The arrests concerned 22 administrators of social network chat pages and sites for facilitating exam paper leaks and answers in return for money

  • Newspaper

    Moroccans unhappy with "ghost" civil servants



    Siham Ali - All Africa

    Young Moroccans are calling on the government to take action against ghost civil servants, particularly by replacing them with unemployed graduates. Young people criticized the situation, especially with the unemployment rate being particularly high amongst them and the government deciding to restrict access to the civil service.

  • Video

    Presenting Transparency International's Africa Education Watch report

    Ghana, Madagascar, Morocco, Niger, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Uganda


    Transparency International - Transparency International

    A survey conducted by Transparency International in Ghana, Madagascar, Morocco, Niger, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Uganda covered different actors in the education system. The reports highlight the lack of budget information in schools and call for strengthened regulation and accountability, as well as greater involvement of school communities and parents. 



  • Africa Education Watch 2010: Good governance lessons for primary education

    This report presents a regional overview of accountability and transparency in primary education management in seven African countries. It has been produced within the framework of Africa Education Watch (AEW). AEW is a three year programme (2007...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency Maroc, 2010

  • Améliorer la qualité de l'enseignement supérieur: une étude du programme Tempus

    Ce document passe en revue les développements généraux dans le domaine de l’assurance qualité dans les pays soutenus par le programme Tempus (à savoir les pays partenaires Tempus) par l’intermédiaire d’études de cas tirés de projets Tempus dans le...

    European Commission

    Luxembourg, Office des publications offielles des Communautés européennes, 2009

  • The Global corruption report 2006

    The 2006 Global corruption report focuses on corruption and health. It includes expert reports on: the risks of corruption in different health care systems; the scale of the problem: from high-level corruption in Costa Rica to counterfeit medicines...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, TI, 2006

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