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1-10 of 230 results

  • Newspaper

    Corruption in schools undermines children's education

    Congo DR


    Esther Ndalafina - Radio Okapi

    Corruption affects all aspects of educational planning and management. This includes the financing of schools, the recruitment, promotion and appointment of teachers, the construction of school buildings, the purchase and distribution of equipment and textbooks, and access to university. Corruption restricts access to education at all levels, from pre-school to university. It hinders the quality of learning, with children from disadvantaged backgrounds being the main victims.

  • Newspaper

    The Chadian Anti-Corruption Organisation goes to war against corruption in Chadian schools



    Tchad, Sabre Na-ideyam - TchadInfos

    The Chadian Anti-Corruption Organisation (OTAC) has launched an awareness-raising campaign to educate pupils and teachers about the importance of ethics and the fight against corruption in schools. Highlighting the importance of combating the consequences of corruption, including its influence on grades and harmful practices such as sexual favours, OTAC's national coordinator stressed the need to consider the gender dimension, encouraging the empowerment of girls and the promotion of equal opportunities.

  • Left behind: corruption in education and health services in Africa

    Corruption undermines sustainable development and the fulfilment of human rights and basic needs. Regardless of where it occurs in the service delivery chain, corruption inevitably trickles down and leads to the widespread denial of access to health...

    Bergin, Jamie

    Transparency International, 2024

  • Newspaper

    Compilatio: Use of ChatGPT greatly overestimated by teachers



    Campus matin - Campus matin

    One year after ChatGPT became widely available to the general public, the Le Sphinx Institute conducted a national survey on "AI in education" in partnership with Compilatio, which provides higher education establishments with anti-plagiarism and AI usage detection software. More than 5,600 teachers and students reported on their use of AI and their concerns.

  • Newspaper

    Minister of Education: The temple of corruption and evasion of taxpayers' money



    Le Matin -

    According to reports by the Central Office for Combating Illicit Enrichment (OCLEI) and the Office of the Auditor General (BVG), the education sector in Mali is facing revelations of financial malpractice. Average annual state subsidies to public schools amount to 49.600 billion CFA francs, but financial irregularities of more than 19.744 billion CFA francs have been revealed. Questionable practices, such as awarding subsidies to non-compliant establishments, issuing fake decrees and making irregular payments, have been exposed.

  • Professional ethics and law in education: a Canadian guidebook

    Designed as a guide for pre-service education students and in-service teachers, Professional Ethics and Law in Education: A Canadian Guidebook provides an accessible and accurate source of information on the ethical and legal frameworks of the...

    Maxwell, Bruce, Gereluk, Dianne, Martin, Christopher

    Canadian Scholars, 2023

  • Newspaper

    Haiti: Integrity clubs launched in schools




    The Ministry of Education and the Unité de Lutte Contre la Corruption (Anti-Corruption Unit) have launched "integrity clubs" at the Haitian-Canadian secondary school, also involving the Lycée National in Pétion-Ville. Each club, made up of eight members, aims to involve pupils in the fight against corruption through self-learning and civic education from an early age. School headmasters and representatives welcomed the initiative, stressing the importance of training young people to become citizens of integrity to build a new Haiti.

  • Newspaper

    N'zérékoré: education stakeholders discuss the fight against corruption in schools




    Education authorities in N'Zérékoré are organizing a meeting to follow up on suspicions of embezzlement linked to the purchase of desks for Parents' Associations. The National Agency for the Fight against Corruption and Good Governance has announced the creation of a toll-free number to report cases of corruption. School officials and parent-teacher associations were sensitized to the notion of corruption and inappropriate practices. The prefect urged them to avoid manipulating associations to collect money from parents, stressing that those involved would have to answer to the law.

  • Newspaper

    Libya: corruption scandal involving scholarships in Turkey



    - Africa News

    The Libyan authorities announced on Thursday that they were opening investigations following an outcry over revelations of generous scholarships to study in Turkey for relatives of senior government officials. The beneficiaries of the scholarships had surprising profiles: a 74-year-old woman receiving a grant of more than 2,700 dollars a month to study computer science in Turkey and two brothers aged 57 and 70 accompanied by 10 and 15 members of their families at public expense. The lists include "1,895 scholarship holders" to whom a total of more than 14 million euros is paid each quarter.

  • Newspaper

    DRC: primary school teacher trainers equipped to fight corruption

    Congo DR


    La Rédaction - Zoomeco

    In collaboration with the UNODC and UNESCO, the Agence de prévention et de lutte contre la corruption (APLC) has organised integrity training for teacher trainers in nursery, primary, secondary, and vocational education. As the leading national authority in the fight against corruption, the APLC aims to take far-reaching action and provide concrete responses through the development of a prevention strategy designed to curb this scourge.

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