1-9 of 9 results

  • Newspaper

    HRD Ministry to launch student tracking system



    Express News Service - India Express

    THE HRD Ministry is set to launch a programme next month that would probably be the world’s largest student tracking system, sources said. Shala Asmita (All School Monitoring, Individual Tracing Analysis) Yojana (SAY) aims to track the educational journey of close to 25 crore school students from Class I to Class XII across 15 lakh schools in the country. This online database will carry information about student attendance and enrolment, mid-day meal service, learning outcomes and infrastructural facilities, among other things, on one platform for both private and government schools.

  • Combatting corruption in education on a global front

    Muriel Poisson


  • Achieving transparency in pro-poor education incentives

    What are the best ways to ensure that scholarships, conditional cash transfers, free school meals, and so on, actually reach their intended beneficiaries? This book assumes that different models of design, targeting, and management of pro-poor...

    Poisson, Muriel

    Paris, UNESCO, 2014

  • Newspaper

    India's immense "food theft" scandal



    Geeta Pandey - BBC News

    Massive quantities of food grains and fuel, meant to be distributed through the public distribution system or to be given to the poor under welfare schemes like food-for-work and school meals for poor children, have been stolen over the years and sold on the open market.

  • Newspaper

    School Meals a Front for Scam



    - Prensa Libre

    Operaciones y Descuentos Diversos, S.A. (Oddisa), a company chosen to prepare and distribute school lunches is under investigation for misappropriation of funds and money laundering. The many transactions, including accounts in Barbados, Luxembourg, and Paris, plus reports from schools in the provinces that stores of school-lunch products were burgled and other warehouses burned down, made it impossible to recover records.

  • Governance in education: transparency and accountability

    This book presents an international review of initiatives aimed at improving transparency and accountability in the management of education in a variety of domains, including: education financing, teacher appointment and transfer, teacher conduct...

    Hallak, Jacques, Poisson, Muriel

    Paris, UNESCO, 2006

  • Newspaper

    Who ate up their biscuits: PIUL in HC starts search



    - The Indian Express

    A petition has been sent to the Indian authorities pointing out that more than 5 lakh of primary school students in West Delhi have had no school lunch for two months; it denounces an inappropriate use of public resources.

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