Recognition and authentication of overseas students' qualifications: Towards a best practice model for Australia

Author(s) : Brown, George

Imprint : Adelaide, University of Adelaide, 2005

Collation :

10 p.

Notes :

Incl. bibliographical references and figures

This paper focuses on the problem of qualification fraud within the context of Australia. It starts with a brief review of both the private and public returns of higher education. It then suggests that both the higher education qualifications issued by Australian providers, and the qualifications used to assess admission of overseas students into Australian institutions are valuable items. These credentials are used as a screening tool, a mechanism whereby their use can be likened to currency used in a selection processes subsumed within a framework of credentialism. Unfortunately, like many industries, the sector is prone to fraud. This paper thus highlights the issues, concerns, and possible solutions which will assist in protecting the credibility and standing of the Australian higher education sector in an industry prone to online fraud.

  • Academic fraud, Diploma mills, Admission to school / university, Corruption, Examinations and diplomas, Students, Higher education
  • Americas and the Caribbean