Plagiarism across Europe and beyond: conference proceedings 2013

Author(s) : European Commission

Organization : European Commission

Imprint : Brno (Czech Republic), MENDELU Publishing Centre, 2013

Collation :

290 p.

Notes :

Online document

The international conference Plagiarism across Europe and Beyond aims to be a forum for sharing best practices and experience with addressing academic integrity issues. Academic integrity is becoming more and more important topic in higher education across Europe. Many universities are looking for effective policies, electronic detection tools and methods of prevention. Broad discussion, understanding cultural differences and experience exchange is needed and worth to support.


  • Academic fraud, Plagiarism, Anti-corruption strategies, Legal framework, Economic and social development, Ethics, Integrity, Students, Student behaviour, Higher education
  • Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, International
    Australia, UK, Germany, Czech Republic, China, Nigeria, Lithuania, Slovakia, Cyprus