Open budget: learning from the open school platform in Donetsk oblast, Ukraine

Author(s) : Huss, Oksana ; Keudel, Oleksandra

Organization : Bononia University Press

Imprint : Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2021

Collation :

p. 90

Series : Ethics and corruption in education

This case study analyses how an open government approach is being applied in Ukraine to resolve the critical issue of non-transparent school financing that has undermined trust among key stakeholders in educational planning. It focuses on the Open School Platform which is facilitating interaction between key education stake‑ holders: local public authorities, schools, as well as local NGOs and parents. This study is part of a series of case studies commissioned by the IIEP, under its open government in education research, and as part of its global capacity-building programme on Ethics and Corruption in Education.

  • Accountability, Anti-corruption strategies, Community participation, Educational quality, Open Government, Public sector, Transparency
  • Ukraine