New distance course on transparency, accountability and anti-corruption measures in education

This seven-week course will be held in French and is designed to help participants assess the nature and extent of corruption problems and identify good practices and solutions.
Upon completion of the course, participants should be able to:
- Map major opportunities for corrupt practices in major domains of educational planning and management;
- Understand the use of public expenditure tracking surveys (PETS), quantitative service delivery surveys (QSDS), report card surveys and audit methods to diagnose and assess corruption;
- Formulate policies and strategies for improving transparency and accountability in selected domains, such as financing, procurement, teacher management, private tutoring, and academic fraud.
This course is open to planners and administrators from ministries of education in developing countries worldwide. Individual applications from representatives of anti-corruption commissions, inspection/audit agencies, CSOs and donor agencies will also be accepted.
Monday 24 October to Friday 09 December 2016 (7 weeks)
Application deadline: 25 juillet 2016
550 US$